Trial FormVu in the Cloud

Your free trial is active for 60 days and allows 20 conversions. Your files will be stored on our server for up to 1 hour.

FormVu is a Java application that can be run directly from command line or deployed to a Java Application Server such as Tomcat or Jetty on an on-premise or cloud server. Our cloud trial allows you to try FormVu from other languages without needing to figure out server configuration or implementation specifics.

Trial FormVu with JavaScript

Get started with the following steps:

  1. Try out the online demo
  2. View the JavaScript client on GitHub to learn more

Trial FormVu with PHP

Get started with the following steps:

  1. Ensure PHP 5.6 (or higher) and composer is installed
  2. Run the following command: composer require idrsolutions/idrsolutions-php-client
  3. Copy/Paste the code on the right
require_once __DIR__ . "/PATH/TO/vendor/autoload.php";

use IDRsolutions\IDRCloudClient;

$endpoint = "" . IDRCloudClient::INPUT_FORMVU;
$parameters = array(
    'token' => 'YOUR_TRIAL_TOKEN', // Token provided to you via e-mail
    'input' => IDRCloudClient::INPUT_UPLOAD,
    'file' => 'path/to/file.pdf'

$results = IDRCloudClient::convert(array(
    'endpoint' => $endpoint,
    'parameters' => $parameters

IDRCloudClient::downloadOutput($results, 'path/to/outputDir');

echo $results['downloadUrl'];
require 'idr_cloud_client'

client ='' + IDRCloudClient::FORMVU)

conversion_results = client.convert(
    input: IDRCloudClient::UPLOAD,
    file: 'path/to/file.pdf',
    token: 'YOUR_TRIAL_TOKEN' # Token provided to you via e-mail

client.download_result(conversion_results, 'path/to/outputDir')

puts 'Converted: ' + conversion_results['downloadUrl']
using idrsolutions_csharp_client;
var client = new IDRCloudClient("" + IDRCloudClient.FORMVU);

    Dictionary<string, string> parameters = new Dictionary<string, string>
        ["input"] = IDRCloudClient.UPLOAD,
        ["token"] = "YOUR_TRIAL_TOKEN", // Token provided to you via e-mail
        ["file"] = "path/to/file.pdf"

    Dictionary<string, string> conversionResults = client.Convert(parameters);

    client.DownloadResult(conversionResults, "path/to/outputDir");

    Console.WriteLine("Converted: " + conversionResults["downloadUrl"]);
catch (Exception e)
    Console.WriteLine("File conversion failed: " + e.Message);
var idrcloudclient = require('@idrsolutions/idrcloudclient');

    endpoint: '' + idrcloudclient.FORMVU,
    parameters: {
        input: idrcloudclient.UPLOAD,
        file: 'path/to/file.pdf',
        token: 'YOUR_TRIAL_TOKEN' // Token provided to you via e-mail

    failure: function(e) {
    progress: function() { },
    success: function(e) {
        console.log('Converted ' + e.downloadUrl);
from IDRSolutions import IDRCloudClient

client = IDRCloudClient('' + IDRCloudClient.FORMVU)
    result = client.convert(
        token='YOUR_TRIAL_TOKEN' # Token provided to you via e-mail

    outputURL = result['downloadUrl']

    client.downloadResult(result, 'path/to/outputDir')

    if outputURL is not None:
        print("Download URL: " + outputURL)

except Exception as error:

Trial FormVu with Ruby

Get started with the following steps:

  1. Ensure Ruby 2.0 (or higher) is installed
  2. Run the following command: gem install idr_cloud_client
  3. Copy/Paste the code on the right
require_once __DIR__ . "/PATH/TO/vendor/autoload.php";

use IDRsolutions\IDRCloudClient;

$endpoint = "" . IDRCloudClient::INPUT_FORMVU;
$parameters = array(
    'token' => 'YOUR_TRIAL_TOKEN', // Token provided to you via e-mail
    'input' => IDRCloudClient::INPUT_UPLOAD,
    'file' => 'path/to/file.pdf'

$results = IDRCloudClient::convert(array(
    'endpoint' => $endpoint,
    'parameters' => $parameters

IDRCloudClient::downloadOutput($results, 'path/to/outputDir');

echo $results['downloadUrl'];
require 'idr_cloud_client'

client ='' + IDRCloudClient::FORMVU)

conversion_results = client.convert(
    input: IDRCloudClient::UPLOAD,
    file: 'path/to/file.pdf',
    token: 'YOUR_TRIAL_TOKEN' # Token provided to you via e-mail

client.download_result(conversion_results, 'path/to/outputDir')

puts 'Converted: ' + conversion_results['downloadUrl']
using idrsolutions_csharp_client;
var client = new IDRCloudClient("" + IDRCloudClient.FORMVU);

    Dictionary<string, string> parameters = new Dictionary<string, string>
        ["input"] = IDRCloudClient.UPLOAD,
        ["token"] = "YOUR_TRIAL_TOKEN", // Token provided to you via e-mail
        ["file"] = "path/to/file.pdf"

    Dictionary<string, string> conversionResults = client.Convert(parameters);

    client.DownloadResult(conversionResults, "path/to/outputDir");

    Console.WriteLine("Converted: " + conversionResults["downloadUrl"]);
catch (Exception e)
    Console.WriteLine("File conversion failed: " + e.Message);
var idrcloudclient = require('@idrsolutions/idrcloudclient');

    endpoint: '' + idrcloudclient.FORMVU,
    parameters: {
        input: idrcloudclient.UPLOAD,
        file: 'path/to/file.pdf',
        token: 'YOUR_TRIAL_TOKEN' // Token provided to you via e-mail

    failure: function(e) {
    progress: function() { },
    success: function(e) {
        console.log('Converted ' + e.downloadUrl);
from IDRSolutions import IDRCloudClient

client = IDRCloudClient('' + IDRCloudClient.FORMVU)
    result = client.convert(
        token='YOUR_TRIAL_TOKEN' # Token provided to you via e-mail

    outputURL = result['downloadUrl']

    client.downloadResult(result, 'path/to/outputDir')

    if outputURL is not None:
        print("Download URL: " + outputURL)

except Exception as error:

Trial FormVu with C#

Get started with the following steps:

  1. Ensure .NET 2.0 (or higher) and Nuget is installed
  2. Run the following command: nuget install idrsolutions-csharp-client
  3. Copy/Paste the code on the right
require_once __DIR__ . "/PATH/TO/vendor/autoload.php";

use IDRsolutions\IDRCloudClient;

$endpoint = "" . IDRCloudClient::INPUT_FORMVU;
$parameters = array(
    'token' => 'YOUR_TRIAL_TOKEN', // Token provided to you via e-mail
    'input' => IDRCloudClient::INPUT_UPLOAD,
    'file' => 'path/to/file.pdf'

$results = IDRCloudClient::convert(array(
    'endpoint' => $endpoint,
    'parameters' => $parameters

IDRCloudClient::downloadOutput($results, 'path/to/outputDir');

echo $results['downloadUrl'];
require 'idr_cloud_client'

client ='' + IDRCloudClient::FORMVU)

conversion_results = client.convert(
    input: IDRCloudClient::UPLOAD,
    file: 'path/to/file.pdf',
    token: 'YOUR_TRIAL_TOKEN' # Token provided to you via e-mail

client.download_result(conversion_results, 'path/to/outputDir')

puts 'Converted: ' + conversion_results['downloadUrl']
using idrsolutions_csharp_client;
var client = new IDRCloudClient("" + IDRCloudClient.FORMVU);

    Dictionary<string, string> parameters = new Dictionary<string, string>
        ["input"] = IDRCloudClient.UPLOAD,
        ["token"] = "YOUR_TRIAL_TOKEN", // Token provided to you via e-mail
        ["file"] = "path/to/file.pdf"

    Dictionary<string, string> conversionResults = client.Convert(parameters);

    client.DownloadResult(conversionResults, "path/to/outputDir");

    Console.WriteLine("Converted: " + conversionResults["downloadUrl"]);
catch (Exception e)
    Console.WriteLine("File conversion failed: " + e.Message);
var idrcloudclient = require('@idrsolutions/idrcloudclient');

    endpoint: '' + idrcloudclient.FORMVU,
    parameters: {
        input: idrcloudclient.UPLOAD,
        file: 'path/to/file.pdf',
        token: 'YOUR_TRIAL_TOKEN' // Token provided to you via e-mail

    failure: function(e) {
    progress: function() { },
    success: function(e) {
        console.log('Converted ' + e.downloadUrl);
from IDRSolutions import IDRCloudClient

client = IDRCloudClient('' + IDRCloudClient.FORMVU)
    result = client.convert(
        token='YOUR_TRIAL_TOKEN' # Token provided to you via e-mail

    outputURL = result['downloadUrl']

    client.downloadResult(result, 'path/to/outputDir')

    if outputURL is not None:
        print("Download URL: " + outputURL)

except Exception as error:

Trial FormVu with Node.JS

Get started with the following steps:

  1. Ensure Node.js (or higher) and NPM is installed
  2. Run the following command: npm install --save @idrsolutions/idrcloudclient
  3. Copy/Paste the code on the right
require_once __DIR__ . "/PATH/TO/vendor/autoload.php";

use IDRsolutions\IDRCloudClient;

$endpoint = "" . IDRCloudClient::INPUT_FORMVU;
$parameters = array(
    'token' => 'YOUR_TRIAL_TOKEN', // Token provided to you via e-mail
    'input' => IDRCloudClient::INPUT_UPLOAD,
    'file' => 'path/to/file.pdf'

$results = IDRCloudClient::convert(array(
    'endpoint' => $endpoint,
    'parameters' => $parameters

IDRCloudClient::downloadOutput($results, 'path/to/outputDir');

echo $results['downloadUrl'];
require 'idr_cloud_client'

client ='' + IDRCloudClient::FORMVU)

conversion_results = client.convert(
    input: IDRCloudClient::UPLOAD,
    file: 'path/to/file.pdf',
    token: 'YOUR_TRIAL_TOKEN' # Token provided to you via e-mail

client.download_result(conversion_results, 'path/to/outputDir')

puts 'Converted: ' + conversion_results['downloadUrl']
using idrsolutions_csharp_client;
var client = new IDRCloudClient("" + IDRCloudClient.FORMVU);

    Dictionary<string, string> parameters = new Dictionary<string, string>
        ["input"] = IDRCloudClient.UPLOAD,
        ["token"] = "YOUR_TRIAL_TOKEN", // Token provided to you via e-mail
        ["file"] = "path/to/file.pdf"

    Dictionary<string, string> conversionResults = client.Convert(parameters);

    client.DownloadResult(conversionResults, "path/to/outputDir");

    Console.WriteLine("Converted: " + conversionResults["downloadUrl"]);
catch (Exception e)
    Console.WriteLine("File conversion failed: " + e.Message);
var idrcloudclient = require('@idrsolutions/idrcloudclient');

    endpoint: '' + idrcloudclient.FORMVU,
    parameters: {
        input: idrcloudclient.UPLOAD,
        file: 'path/to/file.pdf',
        token: 'YOUR_TRIAL_TOKEN' // Token provided to you via e-mail

    failure: function(e) {
    progress: function() { },
    success: function(e) {
        console.log('Converted ' + e.downloadUrl);
from IDRSolutions import IDRCloudClient

client = IDRCloudClient('' + IDRCloudClient.FORMVU)
    result = client.convert(
        token='YOUR_TRIAL_TOKEN' # Token provided to you via e-mail

    outputURL = result['downloadUrl']

    client.downloadResult(result, 'path/to/outputDir')

    if outputURL is not None:
        print("Download URL: " + outputURL)

except Exception as error:

Trial FormVu with Python

Get started with the following steps:

  1. Ensure Python 3 (or higher) and pip is installed
  2. Run the following command: pip install IDRCloudClient
  3. Copy/Paste the code on the right
require_once __DIR__ . "/PATH/TO/vendor/autoload.php";

use IDRsolutions\IDRCloudClient;

$endpoint = "" . IDRCloudClient::INPUT_FORMVU;
$parameters = array(
    'token' => 'YOUR_TRIAL_TOKEN', // Token provided to you via e-mail
    'input' => IDRCloudClient::INPUT_UPLOAD,
    'file' => 'path/to/file.pdf'

$results = IDRCloudClient::convert(array(
    'endpoint' => $endpoint,
    'parameters' => $parameters

IDRCloudClient::downloadOutput($results, 'path/to/outputDir');

echo $results['downloadUrl'];
require 'idr_cloud_client'

client ='' + IDRCloudClient::FORMVU)

conversion_results = client.convert(
    input: IDRCloudClient::UPLOAD,
    file: 'path/to/file.pdf',
    token: 'YOUR_TRIAL_TOKEN' # Token provided to you via e-mail

client.download_result(conversion_results, 'path/to/outputDir')

puts 'Converted: ' + conversion_results['downloadUrl']
using idrsolutions_csharp_client;
var client = new IDRCloudClient("" + IDRCloudClient.FORMVU);

    Dictionary<string, string> parameters = new Dictionary<string, string>
        ["input"] = IDRCloudClient.UPLOAD,
        ["token"] = "YOUR_TRIAL_TOKEN", // Token provided to you via e-mail
        ["file"] = "path/to/file.pdf"

    Dictionary<string, string> conversionResults = client.Convert(parameters);

    client.DownloadResult(conversionResults, "path/to/outputDir");

    Console.WriteLine("Converted: " + conversionResults["downloadUrl"]);
catch (Exception e)
    Console.WriteLine("File conversion failed: " + e.Message);
var idrcloudclient = require('@idrsolutions/idrcloudclient');

    endpoint: '' + idrcloudclient.FORMVU,
    parameters: {
        input: idrcloudclient.UPLOAD,
        file: 'path/to/file.pdf',
        token: 'YOUR_TRIAL_TOKEN' // Token provided to you via e-mail

    failure: function(e) {
    progress: function() { },
    success: function(e) {
        console.log('Converted ' + e.downloadUrl);
from IDRSolutions import IDRCloudClient

client = IDRCloudClient('' + IDRCloudClient.FORMVU)
    result = client.convert(
        token='YOUR_TRIAL_TOKEN' # Token provided to you via e-mail

    outputURL = result['downloadUrl']

    client.downloadResult(result, 'path/to/outputDir')

    if outputURL is not None:
        print("Download URL: " + outputURL)

except Exception as error: